2005 Match Report


Our Sanctioned "B" Match was held on February 5th, 2005 after Best in Show judging of the San Antonio Kennel Club show. Our judge was Mark Unger (Talisman), a former Afghan Hound and current Whippet breeder. I want to thank all our exhibitors for supporting the club and our judge for giving up his evening to officiate.

A very special thanks goes out to Matt LeMaistre for being our ring steward, Deanne LeMaistre for making the treat baskets, and to Lynda Hicks for donating the ribbons.

And congratulations to all our winners!

Best in Match -

Best in Match

Gabriel's What-a-Honey
owned by Brenda & Neil Brody.


Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Match -

Best of Opposite

Summerwind Sars Type Cast
owned by Christine Hansel & Rosemary Sutton.

Trophy Table
Class Winners
Trophy Table
Class Winners
Trophies & Ribbons




Wild Child Productions
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Page designed by:
Toni King